Lab Alumni

Ryan Pecore

Ryan has completed Bachelor of Science degrees in physiology from McGill University in 2018 and psychology from the University of Ottawa in 2022. He joined the lab as an honours student in 2021. His work has focused on the associations between motivation and sexual wellbeing in couples with endometriosis. In his spare time, Ryan enjoys cooking, reading, and exploring new cafés.

Léanne Deschênnes

Léanne completed her honours thesis in the ReaCH Lab, entitled “L’association entre la communication sexuelle dyadique et la satisfaction relationnelle et sexuelle chez les couples étant affectés par le trouble de l’intérêt pour l’activité sexuelle ou de l’excitation sexuelle chez la femme”. Dyadic sexual communication refers to the dynamic of a couple while discussing their sexual lives, among examples concerning their likes and dislikes, their satisfaction, etc. Through her work, she found that better dyadic sexual communication is associated with higher sexual and relational satisfaction, both in couples coping with low sexual desire and couples reporting no sexual difficulties. Since completing her honours thesis, she has stayed on as a volunteer for the ReaCH Lab. In her spare time, Léanne enjoys baking new recipes and spending time outdoors with her Husky puppy Sandwich.